
Dirtypilot.com turns a NO SHOW into a NEW SHOW!!

As rumors fly of graffiti artists Seen’s health problems, his work never showed up at dirtypilot.
Needless to say, no SEEN show this month.

With help from Alan Ket and others, graffiti all stars joined in  for an impromptu  group show. With Graff legends such as Crime 79, Min, Tack  FBA, Part One, Fuzz One, Noc 167, cern YMI , Ces- One, Daze, Ghost, T Kid, Ket, RIFF  and others. Check it out www.dirtypilot.com

Also in the pilots lounge The Master Blaster himself –  IZ THE WIZ took over with more than 40 totally dope pieces, A show not to be missed.

We apologize to Bravo Jett who’s show was postponed till the fall due to all the confusion this month.

And remember, where would the urban and contemporary art scene be today if these guys weren’t out there hitting the trains 30 years ago!! Keep that in mind….

Check it out. DirtyPilot set to release “Year One Rewind” a survey of art shown from our inaugural year.
This hardcover measures 8″x10″. A 96 page book is profusely illustrated with work by Albert Reyes, Bravo Jett,
CERN YMI, Chris “Daze” Ellis, Chris Stain, Daniel Johnston, Dennis Mcnett, Enrique Martinez, GHOST,Greg Gossel, Justin Bua, Kime Buzzelli, Michael Krueger, PaperMonster, and Stephen Tompkins.
Coming Spring “09”!! Distributed by LAST GASP.

