Hello Everyone!
Welcome to my first ever Column. (Ladies do not “Blog”.) I’m thrilled to be in such illustrious company, BLADE, Daze, Freedom, Zephyr and our Pilot Alan! I’ll hang out in the Yard with this crew anytime.
I got the Idea for the “411” from my favorite Facebook group “Official Ageing B-Boys Unite”, Old School UK Homies who ask me questions, and now you can too! About Wild Style, FUN Gallery and its’ artists, my movies, the Punk Rock Scene, the 60’s, send them in. Here’s one to get you started from the group.
ABU: Patti, I have seen Wild Style over 100 times and am curious about the end of the “Third Rail” scene when, as you follow Fab off camera you say, “Ouch!”. What did you step on?
Patti: Ha, ha I had to go back and watch the scene, forgot about that. Wild Style was shot very much guerilla indie style, many scenes were improvised on the spot with a budget for one take only so I had no idea Fred was going to come up with that line. We were pretty good friends by that time, so when he delivered his famous line, “Watch out for that Third Rail, baby”, I was playing with him and did the “Ouch!”. You can’t see it on the film but that was the one night we were authorized to be in the Yards, it was raining and freezing and of course the MTA wouldn’t let us change our night. By the time I got to the scene with Zephyr (Zero) we were ready to kill each other, so it worked out great!
Now I get to ask you. How many times have you seen Wild Style? What was your first time and what did it mean to you? Write in and I will pick the best answers.
In the past two years I have been on Facebook I have been introduced to many great ‘Radio’ shows, Mixtapes and Independent Vinyl Releases and I will be featuring them here. Still on the Ageing B-Boys Unite tip, this is a show I did with Repo 136 on Disco Scratch Radio, created by Waxer Disco Scratch. Repo does a cool interview and we worked on the Set List together, it was so exciting!

WHAT’S NEW WITH PATTII just shot an interview for the “Sizzle Reel” for a fascinating new Documentary,
Boomboxラジカセ Creators, a search for the original designers and a look at the history of our favorite form of portable music. Also in the can are visits to Arabian Prince from NWA, inventor of the “tape-to-tape” mix, Collector Hugo Patron (over a 100!) and the Lasonics Factory still operating here in Cali. Here I am with my Co-Star.

I have self-published my memoir of my adventures, more info here www.thefungallery.com

OK, let’s get those comments coming in!!
See you on the flip side,
XX Patti “A”